• We Can't Plant


    Our time is calling - begging - for egos and national interest to be set aside and for us to awaken to collaborative and collective governance for the Common Good. 

  • UN High Seas Treaty


    We are thrilled to announce after gruelling, to the wire negotiations, on the 4th March 2023 a UN High Seas Treaty was finally agreed to protect our Oceans Commons!

  • We Say

    Hands Off

    It's critical to protect what is left of the Central Arctic Ocean Ice Shield. Let's give nature a chance and have a precautionary pause. In short – We say HANDS OFF!

  • The Next Disaster Nobody's Talking About

    Deep-Seabed Mining

    Please join us in supporting our Arctic Angel Vasser Seydel and The Oxygen Project's campaign, standing up to big corporations to stop them from permanently destroying the last untouched and most diverse ecosystem on earth: "THE OCEAN NEEDS YOUR HELP!

OUR VISION is to achieve a consciousness in action that we are one humanity, dependent on the Global Commons, the interdependent natural systems crucial to all life. 

OUR MISSION is to drive action on the Ice Crisis, prioritizing the Arctic and Antarctica.

Polar Ice is on the Edge of Extinction. Why it matters

Polar Ice is Critical to Global Climate Stability

There is an exciting uptick in climate action, yet we have failed to prioritize the Ice Crisis. On our watch, we have lost 28 trillion tonnes of Polar Ice in less than 30 years. This unprecedented melting of our planetary climate regulator is activating much of the global climate instability we are now experiencing. We need to do all we can to avoid the collapse of this apex climate system by accelerating emissions cuts along with doing all we can to protect the ice that is left.

A Global SOS

The Arctic has already warmed by 2°C (3.6°F) – 4°C (7.2°F). The geopolitics of the Arctic is also heating up, with increasing interest in exploiting soon to be exposed resources, potentially including deep sea mining and oil and gas exploration.

There are plans afoot for a Transpolar shipping route across the North Pole, punching through the older, thicker ice – all this just to save 2 days travel. Together with the predicted 10x increase in shipping, this will significantly increase the risk of oil spills and heavy fuel oil contamination in this last pristine biosphere.

Below is what 30 million tons of continental ice looks like, against the size of the Eiffel Tower in Paris. That much ice from Greenland melts and disappears permanently due to climate change every hour. Climate change is happening at an alarming rate. The continental ice decreases by 270 gross tons per year. This is almost double the amount that melts in Antarctica.

Why Should We Care?

We need to care because we are effectively losing the Earth’s thermostats. Ice loss is now not only a symptom of climate change but also a driver. The ice deflects the suns heat and as we lose the ice, the oceans warm and more ice is lost. We are only beginning to understand this regulating role and how interconnected this is with other systems, in particular ocean and atmospheric circulation. 

“We’re not just talking about polar bears or seals… We’re all ice-dependent species.”

— Professor Julienne Stroeve, Arctic Climate Scientist

From the Arctic to the Antarctic, the loss of this Global Commons will have global and exponential impacts. Not forgetting that 4 million Arctic dwellers and generations of global Indigenous wisdom are at risk.

Accelerating Antarctic ice sheet melt is responsible for approx. 94% of the sea level rise, which is set to affect 600 million coastal residents directly and a further 1.5 billion people indirectly.

The Poles are pristine biomes with unique species supporting a marine ecosystem that science is only just beginning to explore. We need to protect them.

The Ice Crisis needs to go to the top of the global political agenda. Once it’s gone, it’s gone. It’s irrecoverable in our lifetime.

What We Can Do

Save the Central Arctic Ice Shield.
Support a 10-Year Moratorium

We Are Taking Bold Action: Proactive and Precautionary

We are calling for an urgent 10-year moratorium to protect the Central Arctic Ocean Ice Shield and ecosystems from destructive exploitation, providing time for science and CO2 emissions reduction to catch up. Protection of this Global Commons would encourage scientific exploration but prohibit oil and gas drilling, deep sea mining, seismic testing, shipping lanes, radioactive waste dumping and nuclear weapons testing. For the long-term, this aligns with the 30 X 30 agenda and sets precedents for the protection of our shared Global Commons.

“Safeguarding and enhancing the Global Commons is therefore the wisest investment we can possibly make.”

Naoko Ishii, Director, Center for Global Commons, University of Tokyo

Our Impact Portfolio

We are maximising impact by executing our five cohesive, focused strategies that amplify and accelerate action for protection.

Creating impact requires that we reposition the concept of the Global Commons from the abstract to a deeper recognition that these systems materially affect us and future generations.

The necessary systems change will come through innovation and smart action, and by building ecosystems of intergenerational collaboration and partnering with fresh thinkers.

Our portfolio is designed to be tightly intersectional and holistic.

Arctic Ice Force

Our Hands Off the Central Arctic Ice Shield campaign mobilises the Arctic Ice Force of civil society Ice Defenders of all ages who confront policy makers, corporations, industry and individuals with the implications of the loss of the Earth’s thermostats, calling for decarbonisation and urgent action to protect what is left of of the ice.

Intergenerational Network

Our Arctic Angels are self-selected young leaders whom we mentor and empower. As voices for their generation they drive multi media engagement to raise awareness and press for the protection of the Arctic and Antarctic.

Climate Literacy

Change happens from telling stories, giving an experiential understanding of the facts. We make verified science accessible in innovative ways.


Finance needs to properly value social and natural capital. We are convening experts to do a 3D risk evaluation of the global impact of losing the Arctic ice.

Operational Ethos

“The whole is greater than the sum of the parts” – Aristotle

Arctic Legal Defense Fund

The Arctic Legal Defense Fund is a team of top legal minds designing the architecture and execution mandates to protect the CAO Ice Shield. 

“The greatest threat to our Planet is the belief that someone else will save it”

Robert Swan OBE, The first person in history to walk to both the North and South Poles

Support our Action on the Polar Ice Crisis!


Your donation to Global Choices supports our mission to drive action on the Ice Crisis, so we can protect the Polar Ice and the ecosystems it supports in Arctic and Antarctica.