Last Updated: July 2022

​ and its affiliates and subsidiaries (collectively “Global Choices,” “we,” “our,” and “us”) is fully committed to protecting any personal information relating to an identified or identifiable natural persons (“Personal Data”) that we process.

​This Global Choices Privacy Notice (“Notice”) describes our collection, use, disclosure, and retention of Personal Data in relation to our website, and your use of the website, our marketing and provision of services, our interactions with you in-person, by calling us, or by mail, and otherwise during the operation of our business. The Notice also explains the ways in which you may, under applicable laws, be able to control our processing of your Personal Data and exercise other rights. This Notice does not apply to Personal Data of members of our workforce in the context of that relationship or job applicants.

​Depending on the way you interact with us, we may occasionally provide you additional information about our processing of your Personal Data addressing specific processing activities and circumstances. We refer to such notices here as “Supplemental Disclosures”. Supplemental Disclosures should be read together with this Notice. However, in the event of any conflict or inconsistency between the terms of the Supplemental Disclosure and this Notice, the Supplemental Disclosure will prevail, but only for the Personal Data processing subject to that disclosure.

​Anonymous, deidentified, and aggregated data, as those terms may be defined under applicable law, are not considered “Personal Data” within the meaning of this Notice.

​This Notice is comprised of the following sections:

  1. Personal Data We Collect
  2. Why We Process Personal Data
  3. Lawful Bases of Processing
  4. Disclosures of Personal Data
  5. Cross-border Transfers of Personal Data
  6. Data Security and Retention
  7. Your Choices and Rights
  8. Children’s Data
  9. Revisions to this Notice
  10. Contact Us

​Please note that our website may link to content provided by third parties that we do not control and for which we are not responsible. When you navigate to such content, the relevant third parties may process your Personal Data. We encourage you to read the third parties’ privacy and cookies notices when you leave our website.

1. Personal Data We Collect

​Global Choices or third parties acting on our behalf may collect Personal Data about you from a number of sources. We may collect Personal Data that you provide, such as when you apply to be an Arctic Angel, make a donation, or sign up to receive updates from us. We may also automatically collect Personal Data as you interact with us, such as through cookies and similar technologies on our website, including information such as collecting the IP address from which you visited our site (see further discussion of cookies at the end of this section).

​The types and amount of Personal Data that we collect about any particular individual would depend on the nature of our relationship with that individual and the purposes for which we use the individual’s Personal Data. We collect Personal Data from different categories of individuals, including but not limited to the following:

Personal Data That You Provide

​We collect Personal Data that you choose to provide us, such as when you apply to be an Arctic Angel or sign up to receive updates from us, among other interactions.

​Depending on your relationship with us, you might provide us the following categories of Personal Data:

Personal Data That We Collect Automatically

​We may automatically collect information that constitutes Personal Data when you interact with us, such as when you visit our digital properties, read our marketing communications, including emails, contact us, or attend events that we are hosting, among other interactions.

​Depending on your interaction with us, we might collect the following categories of Personal Data:

​We may use cookies and related digital tracking technologies (“Cookies”) on our website or otherwise on our digital properties. This may involve us or third parties collecting Personal Data about online activities over time and across third party websites or online services. Please read our Cookie Notice for more information about our use of Cookies. We do not currently respond to web browser Do Not Track signals or similar mechanisms.

Personal Data That We Collect from Third Parties

We may obtain Personal Data relating to you from third parties, such as when we obtain contact data from social media platforms.

The third parties from which we obtain Personal Data generally fall within the following categories:

We collect the following categories of Personal Data from third parties:

2. Why We Process Personal Data

​The specific purposes for which Global Choices processes an individual’s Personal Data differs based on our relationship with the individual. In general, Global Choices processes Personal Data for the following purposes:

The additional purposes for which we may process what are deemed special categories of personal data under certain jurisdictions’ laws are as follows to the extent relevant, necessary, and permitted by applicable local law:

3. Lawful Bases of Processing

Certain jurisdictions require that we have a lawful basis to justify our processing of your Personal Data. Where applicable, the lawful bases that Global Choices relies upon to justify a particular processing activity may differ from the lawful basis used to justify a different processing activity. Global Choices relies on the following lawful bases to process Personal Data, as permitted under applicable law:

We may obtain your consent to collect and use certain types of Personal Data when we are required to do so by law (for example, in relation to our direct marketing activities and our use of cookies). If we ask for your consent to process your Personal Data, you may withdraw your consent at any time by contacting us using the details at the end of this Notice. Withdrawing your consent will not affect the lawfulness of processing based on consent before its withdrawal.

Where required by law, we may obtain your explicit consent to collect and use special category data (see the end of section 2 above) about you. Other legal bases for our processing of special category data may include, as permitted by applicable law, for reasons of substantial public interest or as necessary for the establishment, exercise or defense of legal claims.

You can contact us (see the “contact Us” section below) for more information about our processing of your Personal Data.

4. Disclosures of Personal Data

Where required by applicable law, Global Choices does not rent, sell, or share Personal Data about you with non-affiliated persons for their direct marketing purposes unless we have your permission. Otherwise, however, we may disclose your Personal Data to the following categories of third parties without your consent as permitted by applicable law:

We may also disclose your Personal Data to third parties such as social networking and other sites if you direct us to share your Personal Data with such sites or to other entities that do not fall in one of the above categories with your permission.

5. Cross-border Transfers of Personal Data

Global Choices operates globally and, consistent with applicable laws, may process your Personal Data in jurisdictions that are not regarded as providing the same level of protection to Personal Data as the jurisdiction in which you are based.

When transferring Personal Data across borders, we take steps to safeguard and protect such Personal Data as required by applicable laws. These safeguards may include:

Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any question concerning the transfer of your Personal Data (see the “Contact Us” section below).

6. Data Security and Retention

Global Choices implements various technical, administrative, physical, and organizational measures to protect the security and confidentiality of Personal Data. While we take measures to safeguard your Personal Data, we cannot guarantee that the Personal Data we process will remain secure.

Where required by law, Global Choices will retain Personal Data only for as long as necessary to accomplish the purposes for which the Personal Data was collected or for the period required by the applicable laws (whichever is longer).

To determine the appropriate retention period for your Personal Data, Global Choices considers the following factors:

When the retention of your Personal Data is no longer necessary for the purposes for which it was collected or our retention of such Personal Data is no longer allowed or required by law, we will delete, anonymize, deidentify, or aggregate the Personal Data such that it is no longer associated with you.

7. Your Choices and Rights

Some jurisdictions have provided individuals with certain rights in relation to the processing of their Personal Data. These rights are not available to everyone, and they do not necessarily apply in all contexts. Depending on applicable law and the context of the request, you may have the rights to:

To exercise a right that you believe you may be entitled to under applicable law, please contact us at [email protected] or as indicated below. We may need to verify your identity before we fulfil your request.

If you feel that we have failed to comply with your request or have not addressed a complaint that you have, please contact us.  You may also have the right to complaint to the competent data protection or other regulatory authority in your jurisdiction.

8. Children’s Data

We do not knowingly process Personal Data relating to individuals younger than 16 without the permission of the minor’s guardian, except where permitted under applicable law. If you have reason to believe that we are processing Personal Data relating to a minor without permission from the minor’s guardian, please notify us at [email protected].  

9. Revisions to this Notice

We may update this Notice from time to time. You are encouraged to consult this Notice on a regular basis and check the date on which the Notice was last updated, as shown at the beginning of the Notice. When we make a material change to the Notice, we may notify you by placing a notice on our website or notice as otherwise required by law.

10. Contact Us

To exercise your rights or make a request concerning the processing of your Personal Data, you may contact us by:

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